Friday, February 19, 2010


1) Identify and describe the different types of transitions used in film/video making.
-the different types of transitions that are commonly used are the cut, the fade and dissolve.

The Cut: the point where two shots come together
- cutting on the action (editor cuts the scene to match the intensity of the previous shot.

The Fade: fade in (beggining) the focus is moving or out of the scene
-fade out of black(end): aware of time in a sequence.

The Dissolve: the blending of two shots to communicate a passage of time and/or location

2) What questions should you ask yourself before you place a transition in your film/video?
- do i need a transition at this point?
- what transition will visually enhance my story-line?
- which transition will visually detract from my story?

3) How might you use these transitions in your particular animation?
- to join two scenes together
- the blending of two shots to communicate a passage of time and/or location.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Pen tool
Options of the pen tool are to make a shape or to make a path.
When using the pen tool, use it to outline yourself and to make the headphones of the ipod.
In the paths pallette, name the path to save it. If not named and closed, the path will not be saved.
To stroke the path, make sure to setup the brush to what you want.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Splatter effect

1. use the quick mask tool to isolate the baller.
2. make a duplicate of the background layer.
3. on the duplicated layer delete the background.
4. on a new layer, use the fancy brush.
5. ctrl click the icon of the brush layer to make a selection from your brush.
6. turn off the layer of the brush layer, then select the baller layer.
7. on the baller layer hit ctrl c and then ctrl v to past the selection. selection will be on a new
8. line up the selection with the arm so its hidden .
9. hide the actual arm by making a mask.

Friday, November 27, 2009

step for kuler
1. log onto kuler.
2. click on create. choices from a color or an image.
3. can chang tha base color by clicking on the set base color and customizing it.
4. select a rule ex. analogous, shades, etc.
5. give the kuler a title to save.
6. click on the dounload button to save on your hardrive to use in adobe programs.
7. on photoshop, go to your swatches panel. can also be in window.
8 on the swatches panel click on the little triangle to the right and bring up the menu.
9. you can replace or load your swatch as an ASE file type and load it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Introducing the 9th wonder of the WORLD,

The Rhineagorse.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to make a quick mask(quick selection tool)
- select the quick mask mode
-make sure paint brush hardness is 100% and oppacity is 100%
-paint what you want selected
-click the quick mask mode button a second time to make it a selection
-once satisfied with selection, you can invert and click layer mask in layers palette.
-if you don't like the layer mask, click on it and paint with black or white to fix.
-black removes
-white adds

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This shows shape because with the curved arrows showing smooth movement, they also form a circle.

This is space because there aren't many things in the room which can make the audience feel alone and empty.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Form is being shown by comparing the different heights and widths of the buildings

This show colour because your eyes are drawn more to the bright colours than the darker ones.

This is lines because they form a curve which flow, making the viewer feel more calm.

This shows texture because the picture looks rough and wrinkled as if we were able to touch it.
Shade is shown in this picture by having a light source in the middle and as the picture extends out it becomes darker.